Welcome to Web CMS Designs

RavenNukeWelcome to Web CMS Designs, where you'll find tweaks, tips, addons, themes, modules, and more for the RavenNuke(tm) CMS. Latest projects include:

Advanced BBCode Box for RavenNuke a forum bbcode mod for RavenNuke™ v2.5, which expands the standard BBCode features to allow: audio/video embeds, text formatting/styling options, dynamic twitter signatures, customizable color swatches, inline ajax help, forum search "tags", modal search for wikipedia and duckduckgo, as well as various other features. Available Now at our partner site Tricked Out News

Enhanced Statistics Module featuring dynamic charts by Highcharts, using pie and areaspline charts to compare your traffic over time.

Mobility is a theme specificallty targeted for mobile devices powered by jQuery Mobile. Using mobile device detection, Mobility can be automatically displayed to mobile users, while all other visitors will view your standard "desktop" theme. Currently in production...

Profile and Signature Spam Control for RavenNuke
Profile and Signature Spam Control for RavenNuke
Additional layer of protection against Profile and Signature Spam

A quick and simple modification for RavenNuke™ v2.5; which adds an additional layer of protection against unwanted Profile and Signature Spam links. New users can still enter their website URL and Signatures, but they will not display to visitors (or search engines) until the user has 5 or more forum posts. Since most spammers won't take the time to write 5 relevant posts, it works as a preventative measure; requiring too much work for the profile spammer to make it worth their time. This also allows site owners to still give "link juice" to respected members while casting the unwanted spammers aside.

Info Block Icon Pack #1
Info Block Icon Pack #1
Minimalistic Icon Pack for the User Info Block

* 15 sample styles of small and large sprites for the User Info block as featured in RavenNuke(tm) 2.5+
* PSD files included to create your own to match your theme(s)
* Quick Start Instructions for Customizing CSS Sprites by Theme

Large Section Icons:
IconSweets2 by Yummygum
Small Icons:
BitIcons by somerandomdude

Highchart Statistics for RavenNuke
Highchart Statistics for RavenNuke
Interactive charts for your website

For those not familiar with Highcharts, it is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types.

For the purposes of integration within the Statistics module, it uses pie and areaspline charts to compare your traffic over time. Yearly stats are displayed in a pie chart, monthly stats compares up to the last four years by month, and so on.

RavenNuke Blocks
Tableless CSS InfoBox Block

A "Tableless" CSS block with many built-in features, such as CSS sprite optimization, mouseover effects, modal windows for search, login, and PM notification, displaying in multiple columns, and much more. See the readme.html in the download for detailed setup/installation instructions. Based on Info Box for RavenNuke by nukecoder.com.

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RavenNuke Modules
Google Ajax Search Module for RavenNuke

Update: June 2012 - This module is nearly completed although needs some updates for full compatibility with RavenNuke v2.5. I'll look to fit this in sometime in the coming weeks, as time allows... Noting that there are several other projects currently in the works that may take precedence.

Kudos to Tutorialzine for their excellent tutorial Google Powered Site Search with jQuery, as we have ported this as a ready to go theme-able module for your RavenNuke powered website. Use the power of Google Ajax Search to dynamically search your site for content, images, and/or video. See the included install.txt for setup instructions and additional info.

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RavenNuke Themes
Chameleon - Dynamic Style Switching Theme

Update: June 2012 - This project has been delayed as it should be much easier to accomplish a "style switching" theme after the release of RavenNuke 3.0. With a variety of other projects on the board look for work to resume on Chameleon some time in 2013.

Currently in production, our upcoming free theme Chameleon will introduce several new features which many webmasters might enjoy and benefit from. Built around a flexible CSS based template, Chameleon can adapt to just about any fluid or fixed size layout that one may desire. Alternate Stylesheet support for on-demand style and layout changes without a page reload. Media Targeted Stylesheet Support for attractive site-wide printable layouts; and styling targeted to specific devices such as handheld, braille, and aural.

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jQuery Addons
Highlight Syntax Highlighter for Content Plus

One of the great things about RavenNuke™ is that it's easy to customize without an extensive knowledge of PHP or proprietary code. So as we build our site, we thought we would share how we achieved some of the customizations we needed. Being able to highlight code was one of our first needs, so we tried out several options.

GeSHi, Chili, prettify, Syntax Highlighter, and a few others where solid candidates; but in the end we decided on Highlight by software maniacs. Relatively easy to use with dynamic language detection, a nice selection of included themes, and it highlighted code within our forums more reliably than Chili or prettify.

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Developer Toolbox
Notepad Plus Plus

If you are a PC user, one of the first web development tools you will need is a decent text editor to replace Notepad. Notepad is notorious for inserting hidden characters which will often lead to problems once you upload edited files to your server. While there are many options available, Notepad++ has been one of our favorites; with a nice selection of features and available plugins.

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RavenNuke Tweaks and Tips
Advanced BBCode Box for RavenNuke

PHPBB2 Forum BBCode Modification for RavenNuke™ v2.5, which expands the standard BBCode features to allow: audio/video embeds, text formatting/styling options, image/video positioning, dynamic twitter signatures, customizable color swatches, inline ajax help, forum search "tags", modal search functions for wikipedia and duckduckgo, as well as various other features.

Improved UI and CSS layout which can be customized per theme. Four sprite powered editor themes included in sand, light blue, crimson, and black; or build your own with a little CSS know-how and the included photoshop files.

Several optional addons are included to further enhance your RavenNuke™ powered site; which allows you to add code highlighting, link icons, easy youtube videos, and/or hashtags.

After an easy installation, courtesy of a comprehensive, kickstart powered install guide, you may find yourself asking, "Who needs phpbb3?"

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Community News

Discovering SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

Sunday, March 24, 2013


By Patrik Fehrenbach

Within a couple of hours, an experienced Internet attack specialist can bring your server infrastructure to its knees. In many cases, the barn door through which the attackers gain entry is a classic bug in a web application: an SQL injection vulnerability. SQL injection, which has been known for around 12 years, is still one of the hacker’s most popular tools.

This article presents real-life examples of SQL injection attack vectors, explains how carelessness can cause them, and shows how far-reaching the impact can be. I will start by demonstrating these SQL attack techniques manually, then I'll show how to use the SQLmap tool to look for vulnerable code.

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alteredDark Theme Released

Monday, September 10, 2012

I have released a dark Ravennuke theme today for the Ravennuke 2.5 CMS only. It is a fast loading, tableless theme with a matching forum template. Is W3C compliant and also comes with all PSD's needed to customize the theme. You can download matching avatars and emoticons in the downloads for this nice dark theme as well. Visit http://www.alterednuke.com to grab your theme today.

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alteredN Theme Released

Friday, September 07, 2012

I have released my first Ravennuke Theme for the 2.5 CMS. It is a fast loading and eye pleasing theme. It comes with all PSD's needed to personalize the theme as well as matching menu icons, topic icons and i have made a matching avatar PSD and Emoticons available in the downloads section for you as well. Please visit and register at http://www.alterednuke.com and register to see the theme running live from your account and to download the theme.

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