Highchart Statistics for RavenNuke

Interactive charts for your website

Highchart Statistics for RavenNuke

For those not familiar with Highcharts, it is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering an easy way of adding interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie and scatter chart types.

For the purposes of integration within the Statistics module, it uses pie and areaspline charts to compare your traffic over time. Yearly stats are displayed in a pie chart, monthly stats compares up to the last four years by month, and so on.


Under the Hood

  • Module recoded to use single quotes throughout
  • 4X More info, yet up to 50% fewer DB queries
  • HTML5 Ready with noscript display of basic charts
  • Matching Highchart Themes for Default RN Themes

Give the example areaspline chart above a try, you can mouseover for more info, disable/enable results by clicking on the legend, export/print the chart, or drag an area to zoom.

A variety of other code enhancements, such as converting the use of double-quotes to single-quotes, removing any queries inside of loops, SQL statement cleanup, and a minimalistic layout for tables that should be html5 ready (although untested, and only viewable with JavaScript disabled).

Installation & Customization

Includes a HTML KickStart powered install guide with details on Creating Highchart Themes, CSS Customization, Languages, Adding Charts to Other Modules, as well as Basic Tips for Creating Charts of Your Own.


As mentioned below, Highcharts is not free for use on commercial sites. If you are not sure if your site is considered commercial, or want to obtain a license, please consult the Highchart License. Usage of Google Adsense or similar is allowed with the free license.

I will add that the commercial license is very reasonably priced when compared to other commercial charting libraries with similar features and ease-of-use. By installing this module on a "live" site you agree that you are in compliance with any license restrictions of the included Highcharts library.


Highcharts is not free for use on commercial sites!

If you are using Highcharts for a personal or non-profit project you can use it for free under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial 3.0 License.

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Posted: June 22, 2012 01:05 AM EDT   Category: RavenNuke Modules   25184 Reads
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