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PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 7:29 am
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would you have any idea if you will be doing more to your CTOPICS work?

and what would you recomend to link the forums login an pw with the rn login and password? this way they only have to login once instead of a second time to post anything. I have seen a bridge program but i thought it was more for something else.

thanks again
PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 8:11 am
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I took a look at cTopics recently, and it needs a little more work than I would have liked; but it's on my short list of things to finish. I need to redo the layout so the 2 columns are responsive and can collapse into 1; and the administration needs more work and some additional options.

I'm also including a basic "Icon Manager" with the module so you can attach images to specific content pages. but would like to add the ability to upload as well as attach images to other content types (News). I would guess having it done sometime in the next 30-90 days; maybe less, maybe more Smile

In regard to forum login, you shouldn't be having to login more than once with default RN forum module. There is a bridge for phpbb3, but RN uses phpbb2. If this is happening with the default RN forums module, there may be problems with your cookie settings. There are a bunch of posts on Raven's site if that is the issue.

site:http://www.ravenphpscripts.com invalid session
site:http://www.ravenphpscripts.com cookie name
PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 12:54 pm
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feel like a kid waiting for christmas Smile

to follow up on what i am trying to do with the forums is this :
1. create them to view but not post (read only)
2. permissions where only only a selected few can post (church staff, they will be the only ones with accounts)

I have done alot of reading on the "read only" and nothing seems to be directed to the forums rn uses. I am looking for the forums to be open (not be logged in to read) and will not be able to reply or post.
This being for a church I am trying to avoid the bots and scripts from trying to post the porn, pills, and other non related topics. But for the staff that would have accounts to post what they want to share for updates, links, videos, ect..

I tried to create a group "Guest" since alot of the reading about just phpbb seems to have an option to set guest for read only and this didnt, so i created one and tried to set permissions where the group couldnt do anything but read and view. This didnt seem to work. I believe i even set the group to be admin for everything and when i tested to do a reply/post the editor seem to freak out. I will try to attach a screen shot of what it was doing.

again, just trying to make forum open and read only without having to unlock and lock a forum every time church staff tries to update or change anything..

thank you for your help
PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 1:29 pm
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That screenshot looks like the CSS is missing. There was a similar issue lately in testing when anonymous posting was allowed; as the CSS file only loads when a user is logged in. Verify that you are not logged in as a user when viewing the posting page, and that means anonymous users (and bots) could also post there. I would not recommend leaving it that way.

You shouldn't need to create any groups to do what you are trying to do.

Go to the Forum administration and under "Forum Admin" select Permissions. Then select the forum you want to edit permissions for. Use the "advanced mode" and suggested settings might look like below. If my theory about that forum allowing anonymous posting is correct, you should see
Post: ALL
in those settings at current. In case you are wondering
Delete: REG
is just in reference to your own posts.

View: ALL

Read: ALL
Post: REG
Reply: REG
Edit: REG
Delete: REG
Sticky: MOD
Announce: MOD
Vote : REG
Poll create: REG
Post Files: REG
Download Files: REG

If the editor looks that way when you are logged in as a user we have a different problem. Let me know. If it turned out you were allowing anonymous to post, you should probably review all of your forum permissions and make sure no other forums allow
Post: ALL
PostPosted: Thu Sep 20, 2012 5:20 pm
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I beleve this is0 the one your talking about
In the bar below i have sit thouse permissios a few ways.

At first everything seem to work fine and then they started looking like the previous code when you went into the editor. when you respond the editor is also in the center this time where before it was on the left side

I believe it would start working again if i leave it alot for awhile and it starts working again... I cannot explain it ...
PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 2:02 am
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Yes that looks like the permissions screen I was speaking of. Did you try setting the permissions as I suggested above? With your current settings only admins can do anything.

Also, make sure you are logged in as a user, as well as admin.

If this is on a live site, you might PM me or post the address so I can see more of what is happening.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 6:07 am
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I had a real nice reply typed out but for some reason my isp had an issue Sad

In short i seen that i had copied the bbcode.tpl file from the ravinice theme over to my theme and the youtube stuff was working. After re-reading the post i seen that was the wrong file i had thought i had copied all the Pre-edited files over but i guess something didnt take because when i was compairing file sizes i seen one that was different.
pre-edited /modules/forums/includes/bbcode.php needed to be copied over. I did and everything seems to be working like it should again.
I am going to re-test the settings so everyone can view and read but nothing else unless your the church staff and have an account.

thank you again for the help, it helped to figure out the problem which was "OE" operator error Smile
PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 11:29 am
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another question if you dont mind. Is there a way to setup to logoff from the forums. For testing it seems that the cookies still remember the login even if I logoff as admin to the home page. I know there are settings to force a login but the shortest I have been able to set it was 1 day. I then realized that there was no way to logoff from the forums. So if i can find a logoff it will give me a good chance to test how a guest user will see the fourms as read only.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 9:43 am
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The login for Your Account is "merged" with that of the forums. So if you logout via Your Account (there is also a link in the site info block) you should be logged off of the forums; provided you don't have issues with your forum cookie settings. If you haven't changed them, they should be ok.

Logging off with your admin account is different. You shouldn't be able to post in the forums with your admin acct unless anonymous posting has been allowed. For your purposes I would stick with the settings I suggested above. If you need to test a "guest" view, open another browser to test it out. I often have 3-4 browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE, Safari, Opera) open when testing issues. Although if you have an older pc might want to stick to 1 or 2 at a time.

After logging out you should be able to test your "logged in" status by visiting the main forum index, and @ the bottom under "Who is Online" your user account should not be listed. If you are using Firefox give the page an extra refresh to make sure; as it has an overly aggressive cache which at times will present old versions of a previously visited page.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:49 am
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Ok, i will try to pay more attention at the bottom to see what it says. Where i am getting confused is where i show that i had everythng set for admin, when i use the info block and logoff and it tells me i am logged off and i goto the forums i can still see the forum and i can still reply and post.
As for the cookie, I will try a couple of different ones but right now i am stuck with ie or crome as my motherboard has been sent off for replacement. I also set my cookies to reset after so much time thinking that may help me too.

One time I had it working, you could attempt to post/reply as a guest and then it would prompt you for a login which would be fine as i dont really have a member site its open exept for those that help update their info.

I will keep at it and hopefully everything will just fall into place again Smile
PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 5:49 am
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Ok, i will try to pay more attention at the bottom to see what it says. Where i am getting confused is where i show that i had everythng set for admin, when i use the info block and logoff and it tells me i am logged off and i goto the forums i can still see the forum and i can still reply and post.
As for the cookie, I will try a couple of different ones but right now i am stuck with ie or crome as my motherboard has been sent off for replacement. I also set my cookies to reset after so much time thinking that may help me too.

One time I had it working, you could attempt to post/reply as a guest and then it would prompt you for a login which would be fine as i dont really have a member site its open exept for those that help update their info.

I will keep at it and hopefully everything will just fall into place again Smile
PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2012 7:27 am
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Quote One time I had it working, you could attempt to post/reply as a guest and then it would prompt you for a login

That is normal behavior with the suggested settings I provided above. Here is a link that details some of the permission settings..

I would not set as ADMIN, as board administrators (and no one else) are in this permission level. If you need a private forum use the MOD permission level and have the group admin (probably you) add users via yoursite.com/forums-groupcp.html
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 11:25 am
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thank you for the link, it helps me understand it more. The church site is setup to be open to everyone and only changes done by the staff that will have accounts. Untill now I have not even considered the forums as I didnt have the time to manage everything myself. Now I have had a meeting with the staff to let them know that they will have to take more part in the upkeep of the site and with that I will need to give them the permissions to make the updates.
You are right i need to set them to mods instead of admins so they dont make the mistake of changing something that will cause me more headache then I want Smile

I have still noticed that when i login to the site and goto the forums and try to post that I have to login to the forums. I have tested this for the last week and it has always been the same.
Also if I have logged in to the forums the shortest i could find to set the cookies was one day, I will look again to see if there is something else I missed. But because of the cookies even if i log out of the site I still have access on the forums. This makes it hard to test for the settings to make sure their working, even when i have used multi browsers...but that has just happened for me. That is why i asked if there was a way to logoff he forums.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:19 pm
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Most templates these days have removed the login within the forums, and I don't think I ever logged in using one. I would suggest removing it from your template and only using Your Account to login and logout. The login code is probably located in your index_body.tpl file, within the /forums/ directory of your theme.

It may be that the old login code is setting a login cookie that isn't properly deleted.

If you have been changing the cookie settings on your site that could cause issue too.
PostPosted: Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:42 am
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If i take the login out it will remember the access levels? as if I just login the the admin (/admin.php) on the site and goto the forums (clicking on forums link) it only sees me as a guest and will not allow me to do anything but read/view the post because of the restrictions used on forums admin?

Or will it only see my access level if i login regularly and goto he forums? If that is so then that stops another thing i was trying which was to remove the login from the site since i keep it open only needing the login for those helping keep updates which would just us the (admin.php) to make changes.

a little off topic, but do you have a dalmation? In my searching i thought i saw a picture of you with a dalmation Smile.... My wife use to work for a vet that raised show dalmations and as she was looking over my shoulder she wanted me to ask. Smile
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