Advanced BBCode Box for RavenNuke

PHPBB2 Forum BBCode Modification

Advanced BBCode Box for RavenNuke

PHPBB2 Forum BBCode Modification for RavenNuke™ v2.5, which expands the standard BBCode features to allow: audio/video embeds, text formatting/styling options, image/video positioning, dynamic twitter signatures, customizable color swatches, inline ajax help, forum search "tags", modal search functions for wikipedia and duckduckgo, as well as various other features.

Improved UI and CSS layout which can be customized per theme. Four sprite powered editor themes included in sand, light blue, crimson, and black; or build your own with a little CSS know-how and the included photoshop files.

Several optional addons are included to further enhance your RavenNuke™ powered site; which allows you to add code highlighting, link icons, easy youtube videos, and/or hashtags.

After an easy installation, courtesy of a comprehensive, kickstart powered install guide, you may find yourself asking, "Who needs phpbb3?"

New Features

Improved UI, CSS Layout, and CSS Sprites

Editor Toolbars are styled completely via CSS, allowing the editor to be styled to match individual themes and break-out of the MS-Word 2003 look. All images within the editor now use CSS sprites, with many buttons featuring mouseover and toggle effects. The majority of toolbars are hidden initially, and are toggled into view by one of the visible buttons; with a nice jQuery SlideToggle animation.

Text Size Selection

Font size selection now uses buttons instead of a select menu, and also utilizes CSS classes instead of inline styling. In most cases relative sizes are used, which offers greater flexibility regardless of the initial default font-size that a given theme/visitor is using. Another advantage of using buttons, is that previously the same text size could not be applied more than once in a row; as the bbcode was only inserted when the value of the select menu changed. Sample: [class="small"][/class}


Font Type and Custom Classes

Font type selection also uses buttons instead of a select menu, utilizing CSS classes instead of inline styling. Basic font classes are defined to display the most similar font regardless of operating system or browser, as not all fonts are actually available on all operating systems. Font declarations can be overridden by theme, so if you prefer to replace a button with a custom font (like those from font squirrel) you can!

Size and Positioning Options for Multimedia Embeds

A variety of size and positioning options have been added for YouTube and (the newly added) Internet Archive video embeds. Both embed types utilize the iframe method, which allows for device specific videos to be delivered to the user. This means the user may get a html5 or flash video depending on the capabilities of the given device viewing the site. Size and positioning options are CSS based and can be customized by theme

Custom Color Swatches and Color Picker

The color select menu has been replaced by swatches that can be customized by theme. For example, there is no reason to offer black text if your theme uses black backgrounds. Also offers the advantage of matching the color palette to an individual theme, as dark colors work better for light backgrounds, and pastel colors work better for dark backgrounds. Custom hex colors can be applied via the newly added jscolor color picker. Sample: [class="color1"][/class]

Various New Features

While not a complete overview, just a few of the new features available in ABBC2.5

  • Float an Image to the Left
  • Float an Image to the Right
  • DuckDuckGo Web Search in Modal
    [duck]your search term[/duck]
  • Wikipedia Search in Modal
    [wiki]your search term[/wiki]
  • International Wikipedia Search in Modal
  • Forums Search/Keyword Tag
    [tag]forum search term[/tag]
  • Dynamic Twitter Signature
  • Internet Archive (audio)
  • Internet Archive (video)
  • Video Size
  • Video Position
  • Video Size & Position


Non-BBCode Features

Inline Ajax Help

Several of the toolbars feature inline help which is loaded directly into the editor via ajax, giving users basic tips without having to open another browser window.

Full Width Padded Textarea

A somewhat experimental 100% width cross-browser padded auto-expanding textarea (that is a mouthful), which is not an easy task due to the differences with how textareas are rendered by various browsers. A minimum and maximum height can be configured so that the textarea does not grow more than desired (default max 600px) as at some point the user would need to scroll anyway... (running out of visible space in the browser window)

Insert at Caret Position

In order to perform more like an actual editor, all codes are now inserted at the caret position; as well as updating the caret position code for smilies which did not work reliably in some browsers. Tested in browsers below.

Browser Compatibility

Tested on Firefox (Win7,WinXP,Linux Mint), Internet Explorer 8-9 (WinXP,Win7), Google Chrome (WinXP,Win7), Safari (Win7), and Opera (Win7)

This download is available on our partner site Tricked Out News

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Posted: June 21, 2012 02:47 PM EDT   Category: RavenNuke Tweaks and Tips   34606 Reads
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