RavenNuke Tweaks and Tips
Profile and Signature Spam Control for RavenNuke
Profile and Signature Spam Control for RavenNuke
Additional layer of protection against Profile and Signature Spam

A quick and simple modification for RavenNuke™ v2.5; which adds an additional layer of protection against unwanted Profile and Signature Spam links. New users can still enter their website URL and Signatures, but they will not display to visitors (or search engines) until the user has 5 or more forum posts. Since most spammers won't take the time to write 5 relevant posts, it works as a preventative measure; requiring too much work for the profile spammer to make it worth their time. This also allows site owners to still give "link juice" to respected members while casting the unwanted spammers aside.

Advanced BBCode Box for RavenNuke
Advanced BBCode Box for RavenNuke
PHPBB2 Forum BBCode Modification

PHPBB2 Forum BBCode Modification for RavenNuke™ v2.5, which expands the standard BBCode features to allow: audio/video embeds, text formatting/styling options, image/video positioning, dynamic twitter signatures, customizable color swatches, inline ajax help, forum search "tags", modal search functions for wikipedia and duckduckgo, as well as various other features.

Improved UI and CSS layout which can be customized per theme. Four sprite powered editor themes included in sand, light blue, crimson, and black; or build your own with a little CSS know-how and the included photoshop files.

Several optional addons are included to further enhance your RavenNuke™ powered site; which allows you to add code highlighting, link icons, easy youtube videos, and/or hashtags.

After an easy installation, courtesy of a comprehensive, kickstart powered install guide, you may find yourself asking, "Who needs phpbb3?"

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Disqus Comments for RavenNuke
Disqus Comments for RavenNuke
Adding Disqus to Content Plus

Disqus is a comments platform that helps you build an active community from your website's audience. It has awesome features, powerful tools, and it's easy to install. A few quick edits, and you too can add the powerful features of Disqus comments to all of your Content Plus content (Disqus registration required).

Optimized for use with the NEW cTopics module, which will allow you to control your Disqus settings, and included recent comments block; all from within the cTopics ACP.

Working with Alternate Stylesheets
Working with Alternate Stylesheets
Persistent, Preferred, Alternate, and Media Targeted CSS

Update: June 2012 -  This document was intended to be a supporting document for a yet unfinished "style switching" theme which has been delayed until 2013; after the release of RavenNuke 3.0. Our apologies, but this document will remain incomplete until then...

In preparation for the upcoming release of our style switching theme Chameleon, we would like to give a quick overview of how alternate stylesheets work; so that others can modify, customize, and build upon the Chameleon framework. CSS stylesheets can relate to your document in several different ways; but for now let's concern ourselves with persistent and alternate stylesheets.

Persistent stylesheets are your normal, everyday stylesheets that are always enabled. They are defined by setting the rel attribute to “StyleSheet” and have NO title attribute.

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SEO Tips - Title in the URL for Content Plus
SEO Tips - Title in the URL for Content Plus
Taming the Three Headed Monster

While there are countless SEO tips for improving the visibility of your website to search engines; one concept any web developer should consider we'll call the "Three Headed Monster". Simply put, get your most important keyword phrase in the TITLE, URL, and prominently used within the CONTENT of the the page. Of course, nothing is that simple, and the best tip will always be well written content utilizing important and related keywords.

To improve your SEO rankings even more, also include well crafted meta keywords and descriptions. Did we mention that the RavenNuke™ CMS can generate meta keywords and descriptions dynamically based on the content of your page (nukeDH)?

So with that, let's show you how to modify Content Plus™ to include the title of categories and content pages in the URL, i.e.


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