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cTopics - Topics Module for Content Plus
cTopics - Topics Module for Content Plus
Topics - News for RavenNuke

Introducing cTopics, a topics module for Content Plus. Display your Content Plus categories in a "Topics" style layout, with previews of the latest or featured content for each category. Optionally display "News" style previews of up to 5 of your latest content pages, in a CSS based and SEO friendly layout that can be customized by theme. Many other features, including jQuery truncation, Disqus integration, Tags Manager to help optimize your content plus tags, Icon Manager to help spice up your "News" style previews with images, and more.

Update: June 2012 - The cTopics module was nearly completed for RavenNuke 2.4, but changes to the disqus integration and improvements to the administration section are still pending. Hope to finish this module and make available to the public at some time in the coming weeks. With several other projects going, can't really give a specific timeline, but will add that it is a priority... For the time being, the download button below is deactivated.


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Disqus Comments for RavenNuke
Disqus Comments for RavenNuke
Adding Disqus to Content Plus

Disqus is a comments platform that helps you build an active community from your website's audience. It has awesome features, powerful tools, and it's easy to install. A few quick edits, and you too can add the powerful features of Disqus comments to all of your Content Plus content (Disqus registration required).

Optimized for use with the NEW cTopics module, which will allow you to control your Disqus settings, and included recent comments block; all from within the cTopics ACP.

SEO Tips - Title in the URL for Content Plus
SEO Tips - Title in the URL for Content Plus
Taming the Three Headed Monster

While there are countless SEO tips for improving the visibility of your website to search engines; one concept any web developer should consider we'll call the "Three Headed Monster". Simply put, get your most important keyword phrase in the TITLE, URL, and prominently used within the CONTENT of the the page. Of course, nothing is that simple, and the best tip will always be well written content utilizing important and related keywords.

To improve your SEO rankings even more, also include well crafted meta keywords and descriptions. Did we mention that the RavenNuke™ CMS can generate meta keywords and descriptions dynamically based on the content of your page (nukeDH)?

So with that, let's show you how to modify Content Plus™ to include the title of categories and content pages in the URL, i.e.

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Highlight Syntax Highlighter for Content Plus
Highlight Syntax Highlighter for Content Plus
Adding Code Highlighter to RavenNuke

One of the great things about RavenNuke™ is that it's easy to customize without an extensive knowledge of PHP or proprietary code. So as we build our site, we thought we would share how we achieved some of the customizations we needed. Being able to highlight code was one of our first needs, so we tried out several options.

GeSHi, Chili, prettify, Syntax Highlighter, and a few others where solid candidates; but in the end we decided on Highlight by software maniacs. Relatively easy to use with dynamic language detection, a nice selection of included themes, and it highlighted code within our forums more reliably than Chili or prettify.

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