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SEO Tips - Title in the URL for Content Plus
SEO Tips - Title in the URL for Content Plus
Taming the Three Headed Monster

While there are countless SEO tips for improving the visibility of your website to search engines; one concept any web developer should consider we'll call the "Three Headed Monster". Simply put, get your most important keyword phrase in the TITLE, URL, and prominently used within the CONTENT of the the page. Of course, nothing is that simple, and the best tip will always be well written content utilizing important and related keywords.

To improve your SEO rankings even more, also include well crafted meta keywords and descriptions. Did we mention that the RavenNuke™ CMS can generate meta keywords and descriptions dynamically based on the content of your page (nukeDH)?

So with that, let's show you how to modify Content Plus™ to include the title of categories and content pages in the URL, i.e.

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