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Mobility Theme Featuring jQuery Mobile
Mobility Theme Featuring jQuery Mobile
Mobile Theme for RavenNuke

Currently in production, Mobility is a theme specificallty targeted for mobile devices utilizing jQuery Mobile. Using mobile device detection, Mobility can be automatically displayed to mobile users, while all other visitors will view your standard "desktop" theme.

One of the coolest features on jQuery Mobile is the built in AJAX-powered navigation system, which is really what makes the framework viable in a mobile context. This allows mobile users, often with cache restrictions, to not have to re-download all the dependencies (JavaScript and CSS files) for each page visit.

Look for a Mobility beta sometime late 2012 to early 2013. and we'll keep you informed with updates along the way.


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Working with Alternate Stylesheets
Working with Alternate Stylesheets
Persistent, Preferred, Alternate, and Media Targeted CSS

Update: June 2012 -  This document was intended to be a supporting document for a yet unfinished "style switching" theme which has been delayed until 2013; after the release of RavenNuke 3.0. Our apologies, but this document will remain incomplete until then...

In preparation for the upcoming release of our style switching theme Chameleon, we would like to give a quick overview of how alternate stylesheets work; so that others can modify, customize, and build upon the Chameleon framework. CSS stylesheets can relate to your document in several different ways; but for now let's concern ourselves with persistent and alternate stylesheets.

Persistent stylesheets are your normal, everyday stylesheets that are always enabled. They are defined by setting the rel attribute to “StyleSheet” and have NO title attribute.

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Chameleon - Dynamic Style Switching Theme
Chameleon - Dynamic Style Switching Theme
Alternate and Media Targeted Stylesheets

Update: June 2012 - This project has been delayed as it should be much easier to accomplish a "style switching" theme after the release of RavenNuke 3.0. With a variety of other projects on the board look for work to resume on Chameleon some time in 2013.

Currently in production, our upcoming free theme Chameleon will introduce several new features which many webmasters might enjoy and benefit from. Built around a flexible CSS based template, Chameleon can adapt to just about any fluid or fixed size layout that one may desire. Alternate Stylesheet support for on-demand style and layout changes without a page reload. Media Targeted Stylesheet Support for attractive site-wide printable layouts; and styling targeted to specific devices such as handheld, braille, and aural.

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alteredDark Theme Released

I have released a dark Ravennuke theme today for the Ravennuke 2.5 CMS only. It is a fast loading, tableless theme with a matching forum template. Is W3C compliant and also comes with all PSD's needed to customize the theme. You can download matching avatars and emoticons in the downloads for this nice dark theme as well. Visit to grab your theme today.

alteredN Theme Released

I have released my first Ravennuke Theme for the 2.5 CMS. It is a fast loading and eye pleasing theme. It comes with all PSD's needed to personalize the theme as well as matching menu icons, topic icons and i have made a matching avatar PSD and Emoticons available in the downloads section for you as well. Please visit and register at and register to see the theme running live from your account and to download the theme.

alteredN Theme Released

I have released my first Ravennuke Theme for the 2.5 CMS. It is a fast loading and eye pleasing theme. It comes with all PSD's needed to personalize the theme as well as matching menu icons, topic icons and i have made a matching avatar PSD and Emoticons available in the downloads section for you as well. Please visit and register at and register to see the theme running live from your account and to download the theme.


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